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Embarking on the Artistic Journey

Updated: Feb 20

Welcome to my world of art! Creativity is a boundless force that resides within us all, waiting to be unleashed and explored.

My art journey started in elementary school when I discovered drawing. Having no training or expectations at that age, I never got hung up and what's, why's, or how's, I just wanted to draw because, it was fun to see an empty page get filled up with squiggly lines that somehow tricked the eyes in to seeing a picture. One that would not have been there lest it be created. And creating things, I have found in the decades since, is in fact a driving ability that we all have.

The artistic journey is a profound exploration of this innate ability, a voyage that transcends boundaries and opens doors to new realms of expression. In this article, I'll talk about the essence of creativity, its significance, and the transformative power of embarking on the artistic journey.


Understanding Creativity

Creativity is not a finite resource; it's a wellspring that flows from the depths of imagination. It's the ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas, to envision beyond the obvious, and to express thoughts and emotions in unique ways. Unleashing creativity involves tapping into this wellspring and allowing it to flow freely.

1. Embrace Curiosity

At the heart of creativity lies curiosity. The willingness to question, to explore, and to wonder is the catalyst for unlocking creative potential. Embrace curiosity as a guiding force on your artistic journey. Ask "what if" and "why not" to break free from conventional thinking and embark on uncharted territories.

2. Cultivate an Open Mind

Creativity flourishes in an open mind. Be receptive to diverse perspectives, ideas, and experiences. The more open-minded you are, the richer the palette you have for your creative endeavors. Break away from preconceived notions and embrace the unknown to foster a climate where creativity can thrive.

3. Learn from Failure

Failure is not the end but a stepping stone on the artistic journey. Embrace setbacks as valuable lessons that contribute to your growth as an artist. The most renowned creators often faced rejection and failures before achieving success. Use setbacks as opportunities to refine your craft and persevere with resilience.

The Artistic Journey

Embarking on the artistic journey is an odyssey of self-discovery and expression. It's a pathway where creativity takes center stage, guiding you through a tapestry of experiences that shape your unique artistic voice.

1. Find Your Medium

Artistic expression knows no bounds, and there are countless mediums to explore. Whether it's painting, writing, music, dance, or any other form of creative expression, find the medium that resonates with you. Experimentation is key to discovering where your passion and creativity converge.

2. Create Consistently

Consistency is the cornerstone of artistic growth. Make creativity a daily practice, even when inspiration seems elusive. By consistently engaging in your chosen medium, you hone your skills, develop a deeper understanding of your craft, and cultivate a strong creative habit.

3. Embrace Vulnerability

Artistic expression often requires vulnerability. Allow yourself to be authentic and open in your creations. Share your work, even if it feels imperfect or unfinished. Vulnerability is a powerful catalyst for connection, both with your audience and with your own creative spirit.


Unleashing creativity and exploring the artistic journey is a transformative process that goes beyond the confines of traditional thinking. It's about embracing curiosity, cultivating an open mind, and persisting through failures. It's a tapestry of self-discovery, where consistency and vulnerability play pivotal roles. As you embark on this odyssey, remember that creativity is not a destination but a lifelong exploration, an ever-evolving journey that shapes both your art and your identity. You must "embrace the suck", throw away expectations, and understand the journey never ends, and that's where the beauty is. So, let your creative spirit soar, and may your artistic journey be as boundless as the imagination that fuels it.

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